
Fall Ball FAQ

Hello Parents,
As promised, here is more information on the Fall Ball Program:

AAA and Majors Clinics:

AAA will be Mondays and Wednesdays from 5-6:30pm.

Majors will be Tuesday and Thursday from 5-6:30pm.

Scrimmages for AAA and Majors will be Fridays from 5-6:30

Q: What time should we drop our kids off?
A: It would be best to drop off the clinic participants at around 4:50 at Dooley Field – 10 minutes before the posted start time. They should then go to Dooley 1 to meet the coaches. There is no formal check in at the entrance of Dooley Field but the coaches will take roll.

Q:  How about at the end of practice?
A:  Parents are welcome to come in and watch the end of practice (or the whole thing if you are so motivated) or you can ask your child to meet you in the Dooley parking lot/along San Mateo Way.

Q:  How should my child dress for the clinics and scrimmages?
A:  They should dress to play baseball:  baseball pants, jersey/shirt, cleats, and don’t forget that cup!  Also bring a glove, bat, and batting helmet.  We also recommend bringing water.

Q:  Who runs the Fall Ball clinics?
A:  LPPLL contracts with the CK McClatchy baseball coaching staff for our Fall Ball program.  The clinics are run by a combination of McClatchy coaches and current players.  The McClatchy coaches also manage the Friday scrimmages and those scrimmages are umpired by the McClatchy players.

Fall Ball Games:

Q:  When do the games begin and who do we play?
A:  Games start on Sept. 26 and run through Oct. 24.  All games are on Sundays.  We play other leagues in our district who also have Fall Ball programs.

Q:  When will players be assigned to teams and when will the schedule be released?
A:  Teams will be determined over the next week or two.  We are currently working with the other leagues on finalizing the schedule.  We will send that information to all registered families as soon as we have it finalized.

Q:  What about Fall Ball uniforms?
A:  Uniforms will be distributed prior to September 26.  As usual, jerseys (Dri Fit) and caps will be provided.  Payers are responsible for pants, socks, and belts.

Q:  Do we still need AA Players for the Games Only offering?
A:  Yes!  We can definitely use a few more players!  If you have signed up a AA player, tell your friends who have AA aged kids to sign up!  Maybe teammates from their Rookie team?  Classmates? This is a great way to keep playing some baseball during the fall.  Registration will remain open through this week.

Hopefully this answered your questions.  If not, send me a note.
